Obtendo meu juntos em cristo para trabalhar
Obtendo meu juntos em cristo para trabalhar
Blog Article
I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.
Para além disso, a unidade na diversidade prepara a igreja de modo a cumprir tua missãeste por alcançar este mundo. Ao refletir a diversidade da humanidade, a igreja se torna Muito mais relevante e atraente de modo a pessoas do variados backgrounds.
We’ve been able to do this through our unique method: The RealLife Way, which consists of three simple, but powerful components:
Hindenburg is a pro-level audio editing software designed specifically for podcasters and journalists. The workspace features simple tools made for spoken word and automated options to streamline your workflow. This Hindenburg walkthrough gives you an idea of the workspace.
Além disso, a unidade na missãeste fortalece o testemunho da igreja perante este mundo. Quando os crentes trabalham juntos, eles refletem a unidade da Trindade e demonstram este amor do Deus de uma maneira poderosa.
True crime podcasts unpack a crime or incident that actually happened, analyzing it in detail. People love hearing exciting crime stories, especially if they’re true. The podcast My Favorite Murder combines true crime and comedy with funny retellings of real-life crime stories.
, meaning servant or minister in the church. In 1 Timothy 3:12, the apostle Paul says deacons must reflect the same values as overseers. He said they must be faithful in marriage, must serve well, and must manage their children and household click here well.
What does it cost? Apple Podcasts offers millions of shows completely free. And some publishers offer premium shows, episodes, and channels that can be purchased through a monthly or annual subscription.
Documentary-style podcasts include a lot of interviews, and you may even record them on location. They’re very similar to regular documentaries but with audio only.
If you're working with a cohost, share the outline with them so you can work on it together. 2. Pick a good place to record
Devemos nos esforçar para viver em unidade, como somos membros do Cristo. Devemos trabalhar juntos de modo a o bem comum e nos ajudarmos uns aos outros. Este amor é o fundamento desta unidade. Precisamos aprender a amar uns aos outros tais como Cristo nos amou.
Be a good spouse and parent (and their children and spouse should reflect this in the way they live their lives)
A palavra por Deus é viva e atual, e continua falando conosco nos dias por hoje. Constate certos trechos da Palavra de Deus de que você precisa ouvir hoje:
Podcasts aren’t just for younger generations. If you cover topics geared toward retired people, you may find a sizable audience. You can try out and review new hobbies, offer advice for transitioning to a new phase of life, or cover the financial aspect of retiring.